Zante Lounge

Zante Lounge St. Patrick’s Day Advertisement

This specific ad was created for the advertiser to run in the St. Patrick’s Day Special of The Regional News and The Reporter Newspapers.  Ad was measured to be a quarter page, full color. Only the copy and original logo art was supplied by the advertiser. 

With our stock art supplier (Metro Creative), I selected all graphical elements and arranged them in the following display.  The ad consists of two altered backgrounds, a St. Patrick’s day themed barmaid/server, and green “beer.”  The graphics were positions to try to balance out the white starburst with items the client wanted highlighted.

The logo was also altered to give it a green look, as well as adding an “O” with a green hat, to give it a more Irish feeling for the holiday.

The ad was featured on the front page of the special section, running on March 8, 2012.

This ad was later submitted to the Illinois Press Association in the Best Holiday Ad Competition.  The ad took Honorable Mention (4th place) in the 2012 Division G competition. Contest entries and winner listings can be found here: